The exciting weekend is here! You should have received this email from UNM, which has all the information you will need for the weekend. In case you have not seen this, I am copying it here:
Dear Exhibitor,
Congratulations, you have been accepted to participate in the Central New Mexico Science & Engineering Research Challenge which will be held on March 15, 16 and 17, 2012. Attached is a Schedule of Events to review in detail. Briefly, Junior Division and Senior Division students will setup at the UNM Johnson South Gym (West Ramp) on Thursday 3/15/12 between 3:00-7:00pm. Please note that project set up ends earlier than in previous years.
All students must be at their projects for judging on Friday 3/17/12 no later than 9:15am. Lunch is scheduled on Friday from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm (not provided) and judging will be finished at 3:45 pm. Please check with your school/teacher to see what arrangements (if any) have been made for students. The UNM Student Union is open and students will be able to purchase lunch at one of the SUB’s food vendors (i.e. Sonic, etc.) if they wish to remain on campus during lunch. Public Open House will be held on Friday 3/16/12 from 4:00-6:00pm. Exhibitors are strongly encouraged to be at projects, but it is not mandatory.
Some of you may not have included your Social Security Number on your entry form. This information is not a requirement of participation; but without it, prize money cannot be issued by UNM. If you do win a prize from the 2012 Research Challenge, please call us at 277-4916 and give us your SSN (we have voice mail on in the evenings, so if you leave a message, make sure you clearly identify your name, your school, and the number). ALL required SSN’s must be received in our office NO LATER than May 1, 2012. Students who have awards that require SSN’s for payment will forfeit those awards if we do not have their SSN by May 1st.
Also enclosed are the Display and Safety Regulations. It is STRONGLY encouraged that you review this information closely before registration. This will ensure a faster and smoother project set-up process for you. Please be sure to adhere to these regulations closely. You may display any items not mentioned as unacceptable. Items listed as unacceptable should be photographed, charted, drawn or simulated other ways. Don't forget to have your abstract (or a stack of several abstracts) available for the judges to pick up and read about your project. We recommend 10 to 15 copies. It is also important to note that your name and/or school CANNOT appear anywhere on the front of your board.
During the Research Challenge, please make sure that you report any incidents to Karen Kinsman, Erin Garcia, or James Vigerust, Exhibit Hall supervisors at the exhibit hall door or the Research Challenge temporary office in Johnson Center Room 118/120. We try to make the Research Challenge a pleasant experience for all students. Every student who comes will receive a Research Challenge pin, t-shirt, and a participation certificate. Everyone who competes at this level is to be congratulated. Good luck!!! See you soon.
Erin Garcia
Program Specialist Intern
STEM Education Outreach Programs
MSC02 1570
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Phone (505) 277-4916
Fax (505) 277-5592
Along with this email, a detailed schedule of events over the weekend was included. You can find that schedule by clicking on this link: Regional Science Fair Schedule
I am not sure when/if I will be able to attend the fair. I have yoga teacher training (5-10 on Friday, 8-6 Saturday, and 8-6 Sunday). I wish you all the best of luck and know that you will do an amazing job representing the school and yourselves! Please don't forget to bring anything and everything you need for your project (research report, extra copies of abstracts, etc....) If you have any questions or problems email or text me (parents should have access to my phone number, I am not going to list it here). Take lots of pictures and let me know how judging goes!
Good luck and I am so, so proud of you!!!
Mrs. Maggi